Radically Re-Imagining the Project of Justice: Narratives of Rupture, Resilience, and Liberation
Every four years, the University of Puget Sound and the Race & Pedagogy Institute welcome more than 2,000 local, regional, national, and international participants to engage issues of race and to discuss the impact of race on education. Each conference builds on the success of the last and contributes new perspectives to the conversation. Join us, September 27 - 29, 2018, to explore the theme Radically Re-Imagining the Project of Justice: Narratives of Rupture, Resilience, and Liberation. Major sub-themes are: Rupturing the Logics of Domination: Urgencies in the Project of Justice; Undoing Miseducation: Reclaiming and Rewriting Narratives of Liberation; and Radical Transformations: New Publics, New Social Contracts.